Abby's Perspective

My perspective he says? I remember that conversation, the one where I "casually" mention I am thinking of moving back to Peru. My racing thought in that long pause was the next thing he would say was "well, nice knowing you..." but it wasn't! He couldn't have been more supportive. Whoa! Who is this guy?

Agreeable he says? Yeah, that's true! It seemed a long way off and he could always change his mind....if you know me at all you know my middle name is not Trusting. However, Kevin has proved himself time and time again, fully gained my trust....but he hasn't had traveler's diarrhea yet so maybe he will leave when that happens. Just kidding!

I teach in Peru. No, not English. People always ask that. I teach first grade at an English speaking school. These schools exist throughout the world. It's a pretty cool gig. Live and work in a different country? Learn culture, history, and language first hand? Yes please! I love adventure and you know what? So does Kevin! Turns out we are a pretty good pair.❤️

So here we are! "Deepest, darkest Peru" to quote Paddington Bear. So far so good. I have Pepto and know where the pharmacy is...


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